This ad above is about The National Pro Life Cupcake Campaign.
Go check it out
While I was looking for pictures to be added in my assignment, I came across this ad. Instantly, something tells me that I have to post this up in my blog. Not everyone will agree to what I am about to say but I know that I have to do the right thing.
We do not have any rights to take away lives. We are not called to be "God". There has always been a "debate" about whether abortion is a right thing to do . The Pro-choice may argue that it is okay to undergo an abortion if what is in the womb is still a zygote. They say that life only begins later on in pregnancy or during childbirth. How is this right?
I am not an expert in this topic or any other topic but this is my opinion.
I do not agree to "abortion" because
* God is our Creator. He creates everything and therefore the zygote in a woman's womb is also God's creation. As a human, we can't take away something which is not ours.
*It is a very cruel act. The "little person" in the womb can't even defend his/her own life and we kill them. That's not a very nice thing to do isn't it? Especially those who always defend themselves for their "rights". What gives us the rights to remove the helpless "babies" ?
Just look at the picture above.
Can you imagine the cruelty which is happening in our world right now?
Removing them from the wombs of women who "made unwanted mistakes?"
These "mistakes" cannot be made. Because it involves lives.
Killing innocent lives is a sin which "cannot" be forgiven. Why do it when it is SO SO wrong. All the women who had gone for an abortion will never be the same again. They will feel guilty for the rest of their lives. A guilt which will remain forever. Imagine killing your own child. I repeat,OWN CHILD. Your flesh and blood. Killing someone who will be calling you "mama" or "papa". I have goosebumps now, just thinking about it. We will not have the heart or guts to even kill our pets! BUT, why do we kill our own kind and yet the closest to us? One who is in our wombs? Are we truly civilized? Is killing babies our culture?or do we just enjoy practising the "culture of death"? or because it is a "everyone is doin, so i follow" kind of attitude?? Just think about it. Why do we act the way we do?? What lead us to doing "wrong" things?? Do we follow "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" (you would know this term if you have watched H.Potter) or GOD?
Before I end this post, I would like to remind you about the "important" choices we make in our lives. If it is not the right time for us to "make" babies yet then we should wait. You know what I mean =)
Pray for the unborn children.
angie... I support your pro-life campaign!