It has been ages since I last blogged. This post is about a silly thought which has been circling my mind.

For the past one week, I have been thinking of this line -Forgive and forget- We have heard of this ever since we learned the word "sorry".

What do we actually mean when we say we are sorry? Do we apologize so we would feel better after a mistake is done? Or do we apologize because it is an easy way out of trouble.

When we say we are sorry, usually it means we are apologetic and we will not repeat the same mistake. But what if someone apologizes and yet repeat the same action / mistake daily? How do we forgive in situations like this? And definitely, it is quite impossible to forget.

Does forgiving or forgetting comes first?

Do we actually forgive someone and eventually forget OR do we forget and eventually forgive? How would we know if we have forgiven someone?

Until this very moment, after thinking of this thought over and over and over again....I still have not found an answer. Perhaps, this is only to be discovered when I have truly forgiven someone.
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1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Forgiving and forgetting is definitely two different thing. We can forgive a person's mistake, yet at the same time we forget how to forget someone's mistake. Just take it as these two words are part and parcel in life, and that for whatever you do, whether you forgive or forget, you do it the way you want it to be and be happy with it, be proud with it. Be it forgive or forget, it doesn't matter. It's just two different words with two different meanings. Why complicate yourself?

    To say sorry can be a routine to a person's life because he or she has been so used to saying sorry. Perhaps to him/her has becoming a habit. Habit is something not easy to change, but neither is it impossible. So, it depends on which view you would want to look at it. Cheers and good luck.:)

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