This date used to be special. I used to spend plenty of time trying to make this date as special as ever. This year...this date is still significant even though I no longer spend a month's time thinking of what to do on this date. This date has now become a memory. It is because of this date I've grown into a woman (hehe)!!!

Thinking back of these past years...I have mixed feelings. *bittersweet* I had lots of good times and also bad times. Happy times would be remembered and bad times will be taken as lessons. My tears and heartaches from the past few years have made me stronger. I no longer cry over petty matters. I live as my own self and not as another person. I no longer live just to please another party. It was tiring. Now, I've learned the simple yet difficult word "Let Go'. Letting go is the greatest lesson which I have learned because of this date.

I no longer only care for one person but for everyone around me. Of course Jason is still *special* and on priority list but now my attention also goes to my family and friends. This is the kind of balance which I should have learned long ago....I know I'm late but better than never ???
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